We hope you received everything you wanted for the holiday, but if you didn’t, we are here for you! Check out our selection of new offerings in the store now.
It’s the heart of the model railroading season, and that’s a great time to catch up on those projects that the warm weather tempted you away from. Whether it’s constructing buildings, making trees, detailing a locomotive, or weathering cars, it’s a great time to sit down and exercise your art. It is a great time to get together with friends and fellow modelers and share techniques and tips, run some trains, and even just have a good time talking trains.
One of the things that we all need to consider is how we engage the next generation of model railroad enthusiasts. There are so many talents in model railroading that we can pass on to others- civil engineering, electricity management, art, history, electronics, and many others- that need to be the subjects that draw new hobbyists in. There is something special about creating a world that you control, and a world that you can share with friends and family. Opportunities exist all over the place. Sharing an operations session with a younger family member or a neighborhood kid might just spark a flame that will grow and grow, and then the hobby also grows and survives.
The more of us that bond together in unity, the better off the hobby will be. This benefits us all in the Valley, and frankly, in the hobby worldwide. If you want to think of it on a personal basis, the more hobbyists there are, the larger the hobby. The larger the hobby, the more product variety is possible, and we all get the variety that we desire.
Over the next few months Las Vegas TrainWorld will be stocking up with all of your favorite product lines. Our website continues to grow, and your Golden Spike Crew continues to gain members including out of state and overseas hobbyists. All of that means that we are developing a sanctuary in the Valley for all the train minded, and we hope you will join us on this amazing railroad journey!