Yes, we said this would be a monthly newsletter, but this is such a cool thing that we could not wait. We are happy to announce that our featured artist is Valley Model Railroading legend and inspiration Lynn Austin.
Lynn was one of those rare modelers that opened his house to his compatriots every first Saturday of the month to share his work and share his passion. He modeled in HO, HOn3, On30, and G Scales (that we know of- could have been more!) and inspired many others to try things that they were normally not inclined to attempt.
In the store we have several of his models for you to enjoy. The G Sc ale Service Station diorama is fully detailed. The On30 Sedona & Pacific RR Mining layout features crew tents that ar e named for other Las Vegas modelers of the time. We are also showing a unique layout where the scenery moves, but the train seems to stay in the same place.

Come on by and enjoy this unique artist’s creations that have not been seen in over a decade . Have a chat, a cup of coffee, and be inspired celebrating the art of OG Valley Model Railroader Lynn Austin,
who left us in 2011.
The Valley Model Railroad Hall of Fame has been established to honor significant Modelers as nominated by the Golden Spike Crew. Please talk to staff about who YOU would like to nominate, and voting will commence for the next inductee.